little something.

Friday, April 17


The E Bunny (no, not the kind from raves) came to our humble abode and dropped off this tasty number for Clyde. He loved it. Made his day.

And then we went to the grandfolkies where Clyde pulled a large mirror down on his head, fell down a flight of brick steps, and racked his spine on my tap board. Way to go, buddy. Get out all your injuries for April in one day.

My dad and aunt diane sent us some delish goodies, and some outfits (we are some pretty s-p-o-i-l-e-d kids). Yay for Easter!


Brandon and Natalie said...

Love the pictures! He is so stinking cute! I can't believe he had that many "owies" in a day. Crazy. How was your trip to junction?

Kari and Jonathan said...

He is such a cute little man!

Mom said...

That was one big basket for such a shrimp boat. Way to go Clydester! Stick it to the Mom!

Alice Gardner said...

what IS that thing?

helicopters don't have wheels.

Kirsta 'n co. said...

I broke my kneecap and Patrick's head in one day. We laid in a mangled heap on the coch the rest of the afternoon.